Running Google Ads Without a Website: Is It Possible?

Hi there! Have you ever wondered if you can use Google Ads without having a website? It’s a question many people ask. In this blog post, we’ll talk about whether it’s possible to run Google Ads without a website. We’ll also look at some other ways you can advertise your business online. Let’s dive in and learn more about this interesting topic!

What are Google Ads?

Before we talk about running ads without a website, let’s understand what Google Ads are. Google Ads is a way to show your ads to people who are looking for things on Google. When someone searches for something related to your business, your ad can show up at the top of the search results.

For example, if you sell toy cars, your ad might show up when someone searches for “best toy cars for kids.” This helps people find your business when they’re looking for what you offer. Google Ads can be a great way to get more customers and grow your business.

Can You Run Google Ads Without a Website?

Now, let’s answer the big question: Can you run Google Ads without a website? The short answer is yes, you can! Google has some options that let you advertise even if you don’t have a website. This is good news for small businesses or people just starting out who might not have a website yet.

However, it’s important to know that having a website can make your ads work better. A website gives people a place to learn more about your business and what you offer. But don’t worry if you don’t have one yet – you can still use Google Ads!

Options for Running Google Ads Without a Website

Google knows that not everyone has a website, so they’ve created some ways for businesses to advertise without one. Here are some options you can use:

Google My Business Listing

One way to run Google Ads without a website is by using Google My Business. This is a free tool from Google that lets you create a listing for your business. Your listing can show up when people search for businesses like yours on Google or Google Maps.

With Google My Business, you can add important information about your business. This includes your address, phone number, hours, and photos. You can even add posts to tell people about special offers or events.

When you run Google Ads with your Google My Business listing, people can see your ad and then click to view your listing. This gives them all the information they need to contact you or visit your business, even without a website.

Call-Only Ads

Another option for running Google Ads without a website is using call-only ads. These ads are designed to get people to call your business directly. When someone sees your ad on their phone, they can tap a button to call you right away.

Call-only ads are great for businesses that prefer to talk to customers on the phone. For example, if you run a local repair service, you might want people to call you to set up an appointment. With call-only ads, you can make it easy for people to reach you without needing a website.

App Promotion Ads

If you have a mobile app but no website, you can still use Google Ads! App promotion ads help people find and download your app. These ads can show up in Google Search, on YouTube, and in other apps.

With app promotion ads, you can link directly to your app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This means people can download your app right away, without needing to visit a website first.

Local Inventory Ads

For businesses that sell products in a physical store, local inventory ads can be a great option. These ads show people products that are available in your store near them. When someone clicks on your ad, they see a Google-hosted page with your store’s info and available products.

Local inventory ads are perfect for businesses like local shops or car dealerships. You can show people what you have in stock and encourage them to visit your store, all without needing your own website.

The Benefits of Having a Website for Google Ads

While you can run Google Ads without a website, having one can make your ads work even better. Here are some reasons why a website can be helpful:

More Information for Customers

A website gives you space to share lots of information about your business. You can tell your story, show pictures of your products or services, and answer common questions. This helps people learn more about you before they decide to buy.

Better Ad Performance

When you have a website, you can create landing pages that match your ads. A landing page is a special page on your website that people see when they click your ad. It’s designed to give them exactly what they’re looking for. This can help more people buy from you or contact you after seeing your ad.

Building Trust

Having a professional website can make people trust your business more. It shows that you’re serious about what you do and that you’re easy to find online. This can make people more likely to choose your business over others.

Tracking and Improving

With a website, you can use tools like Google Analytics to see how people interact with your site after clicking your ad. This information can help you make your ads and your website better over time.

  • Google Ads Management
  • Facebook Ads Management
  • Web Development
  • Web Designing
  • Content Writing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing
  • E-commerce Solutions

Getting Started with Google Ads

If you’re ready to try Google Ads, here are some steps to get started:

Set Up Your Google Ads Account

First, you’ll need to create a Google Ads account. You can do this by going to the Google Ads website and following the steps to sign up. You’ll need to enter some information about your business and how you want to pay for your ads.

Choose Your Ad Type

Next, you’ll need to decide what type of ad you want to run. If you don’t have a website, you might choose call-only ads or ads that link to your Google My Business listing. Think about what you want people to do when they see your ad – do you want them to call you, visit your store, or learn more about your business?

Create Your Ad

Now it’s time to make your ad! You’ll need to write a headline and some text that tells people about your business. Try to make it interesting and clear so people will want to click on it. If you’re using call-only ads, make sure your phone number is correct.

Set Your Budget

Decide how much money you want to spend on your ads each day or month. You can start small and increase your budget later if you want. Google Ads lets you control how much you spend, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected costs.

Choose Your Keywords

Keywords are the words or phrases people might use when they’re searching for businesses like yours. You’ll need to choose keywords that match what you offer. For example, if you run a pizza shop, you might use keywords like “best pizza in [your city]” or “pizza delivery near me.”

Launch Your Campaign

Once you’ve set everything up, you can start your ad campaign. Google will review your ad to make sure it follows their rules, and then it will start showing up to people who search for your keywords.

Monitor and Adjust

After your ads are running, it’s important to check how they’re doing. Look at things like how many people are clicking on your ad and how much it costs you. You can make changes to your ads to help them work better over time.

Getting Help with Google Ads

Running Google Ads can seem tricky at first, but there’s help available! Here at WP Khurram, we offer Google Ads services to help businesses like yours succeed. We can help you set up your ads, choose the right keywords, and make sure you’re getting the most for your money. We also offer other services that can help your business grow online. These include Facebook Ads management, web development, and search engine optimization (SEO). Even if you don’t have a website yet, we can help you create one that works great with your Google Ads.


So, can you run Google Ads without a website? Yes, you can! There are several ways to advertise your business on Google even if you don’t have a website yet. Options like Google My Business listings, call-only ads, app promotion ads, and local inventory ads can help you reach new customers.

However, having a website can make your Google Ads work even better. A website gives you more ways to connect with customers and show them what your business offers. If you’re thinking about creating a website or need help with your Google Ads, remember that WP Khurram is here to help!

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your online presence, Google Ads can be a powerful tool for your business. With the right approach and some help from experts, you can use Google Ads to reach more customers and grow your business, website or no website!

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