Himmat Card Maryam Nawaz

Himmat Card Maryam Nawaz | Registration & Check Online

The Himmat Card is a new hope in Punjab. It helps people who need extra care. Some people can’t see well. Some can’t walk. The Himmat Card is for them.

Maryam Nawaz Sharif made this card. She wants to help people in Punjab. The card gives money to people who need it. They get 10,500 rupees every month. That’s a lot!

The money starts coming on September 15. People can use this money to buy food and other things they need. It makes their life better.

To get a Himmat Card, you must live in Punjab. You also need to be someone who needs extra help. The card is only for special people.

The Himmat Card is good. It shows that we should help others. It makes many people happy in Punjab.

Who Started Himmat Card?

Maryam Nawaz started the Himmat Card program. She is a big leader in the PML-N party. The Himmat Card is her new idea to help poor people in Pakistan.

Before the Himmat Card, there was another program called the Sehat Card. Imran Khan, who was the Prime Minister before, started the Sehat Card. The Sehat Card helps people pay for doctor visits and hospital stays.

Now, Maryam Nawaz has come up with the Himmat Card. She says it’s different from the Sehat Card. The Himmat Card gives money to people who need help with everyday things, not just health care.

Maryam Nawaz talks a lot about the Himmat Card. She goes to many places and tells people how it can help them. She says she wants to make life better for poor families in Pakistan.

The idea for the Himmat Card came when Maryam Nawaz was talking to people in different parts of Pakistan. She saw that many people needed help with money. So, she decided to make a program that gives them some extra cash each month.

Maryam Nawaz says the Himmat Card is not just about giving money. She wants it to give people courage and hope. That’s why it’s called the “Himmat” Card, which means “courage” in Urdu.

The Himmat Card is new, and people are still learning about it. Maryam Nawaz and her team are working to make sure it helps as many people as possible.

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Himmat Card Details

The government will give 10,500 Pakistani Rupees each month to people who have this card. This is more than what was first said. About 65,000 disabled people in Punjab will get this help. The money will start coming to people from September 15.

Maryam Nawaz Sharif wants this card to make life better for disabled people. With this money, they can buy things they need and not have to depend on others so much. It’s a way to help them live on their own more easily.

The Himmat Card is not just about giving money. It’s also about showing that the government cares for people with special needs. The word “Himmat” means courage, and this card is meant to give courage to people who face challenges every day.

To get this card, people need to show that they have a disability and live in Punjab. They also need to be registered with the right government departments. The government is working hard to make sure the right people get this help.

This program is new and important. It shows that the Punjab Government is trying to help people who often don’t get enough help. The Himmat Card could change many lives in Punjab for the better.

Eligibility Criteria

The Himmat Card is for special people in Punjab. Here’s who can get it:

  • People with disabilities living in Punjab
  • Age: 18 to 65 years old
  • Families with low income

To get the Himmat Card, you need these things:

  1. CNIC (your special ID card)
  2. Disability certificate from a doctor
  3. Proof that you live in Punjab
  4. Papers showing your family doesn’t have much money

You can’t get the Himmat Card if:

  • You already get money from another government program
  • Your family is rich

Important steps:

  • Sign up with the Social Welfare Department
  • Give all your papers to them
  • Wait for them to check everything

If you have all these things and follow the steps, you might get the Himmat Card. The government will check to make sure you really need help. They want to give the card to people who need it most.

How to Apply for Himmat Card

Asking for a Himmat Card is easy. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to a special office: Find the Social Welfare office near your home. You can ask people where it is.
  2. Fill out a form: At the office, they will give you a paper to fill. If you need help, ask someone there.
  3. Give your papers: You need to show some important papers. Bring these with you:
  • Your CNIC (ID card)
  • A paper from a doctor saying you are disabled
  • Something that shows where you live
  • A paper about how much money your family has
  1. Get your picture taken: They might take your picture for the card.
  2. Wait for your card: After you do all this, you have to wait. They will check your information.
  3. Get your card: If everything is okay, they will give you your Himmat Card. They will tell you when to come and get it.


  • Don’t pay money to anyone to get this card. It’s free.
  • If you need help, ask at the office. They are there to help you.
  • Make sure all your papers are right before you go.

Getting a Himmat Card takes some time, but it’s not hard. Just follow these steps, and you’ll be okay.

Who can get the Himmat Card?

The Himmat Card is for special people in Punjab. It helps people who have trouble doing some things.

You can get this card if:

You live in Punjab. You have a hard time seeing, hearing, or walking. You have trouble thinking or understanding things. You have a sickness that doesn’t go away.

Some other people can get the card too:

  • People with autism
  • People who can’t move well because of brain problems
  • Families who take care of someone with these problems

If you already signed up with the Social Welfare office or Special Education office, you might be able to get the card too.

The Himmat Card is to help people who need extra help. It’s for making sure everyone in Punjab can have a good life, even if they have special needs. If you think you or someone in your family needs this help, you can ask about getting the card.

Payments Details of Himmat Card

The Himmat Card gives money to people who need help. Here’s how it works:

Every three months, people with the Himmat Card get 10,500 rupees. This money is to help them buy things they need. It’s not a loan, so they don’t have to pay it back.

The government also said they will give 100,000 rupees to 65,000 people in Punjab who have the card. This is a lot of money to help even more.

People get their money in an easy way. They get a special ATM card from the Bank of Punjab. This card is like a bank card. They can use it to get their money from ATM machines. They can also use it to buy things in some shops.

The money comes every month. Each month, 10,500 rupees go into the card. This helps people know when they will get their money. They can plan how to use it for food, medicine, or other important things.

The government makes sure the money goes to the right people. They check everything to make sure it’s fair. This way, the people who really need help can get it.

  • Amount offered
  • Payment frequency
  • Method of disbursement

When will the Himmat Card amount start?

  • Expected start date of payments
  • Any phases or rollout plans

Goals of the Program

The Himmat Card program wants to help people right now and in the future. Here’s what it wants to do:

Right Now:

  • Give money to people who need it fast
  • Help disabled people buy food and medicine
  • Make sure 65,000 people in Punjab get help

In the Future:

  • Make life better for all disabled people in Punjab
  • Help disabled people find jobs
  • Show everyone that disabled people are important

The big dream is to make Punjab a place where all people, even if they have problems seeing, hearing, or moving, can live happy lives. The government wants to make sure no disabled person feels left out.

They hope that with this help, disabled people can:

  • Go to school
  • Learn new things
  • Maybe start small businesses

The Himmat Card is not just about giving money. It’s about giving people a chance to do more in life. The government wants to see disabled people doing well and being part of everything in Punjab.

This program is a big step. It shows that the government cares about all people in Punjab, even those who need extra help.

Public Reception

Most of the people are talking about the Himmat Card. Some people are very happy about it, and some have questions. Let’s see what people think and how it might help Pakistan.

Good Things People Say: A lot of people are saying nice things about the Himmat Card. They think it’s a good idea to help disabled people. Many families are happy because now they can buy food and medicine more easily. Some people say it shows that the government cares about everyone, even those who need extra help.

One man said, “This card helps my son get his medicine. We don’t have to worry so much now.” A lady who can’t see well said, “With this money, I can take classes to learn new things. I feel more independent.”

Some people are glad that the card is easy to use. They like that they can get money from ATM machines. It makes them feel like everyone else who has a bank card.

Questions and Worries: But some people have questions too. They want to know if the money will keep coming every month. Some worry that not everyone who needs help will get the card. A few people think the government should do more, like help disabled people find jobs.

One person asked, “What happens if the money stops coming? We need to know it will always be there.” Another said, “It’s good, but we also need help to find work. Money alone is not enough.”

Impact on Pakistan

The Himmat Card could make big changes in Pakistan. Here’s how:

  1. Better Lives for Disabled People: With extra money, disabled people can eat better food and get the medicine they need. This can make them healthier and happier.
  2. More People Buying Things: When disabled people have money to spend, they buy more things. This can help shops and businesses make more money.
  3. Less Stress for Families: Families with disabled people often worry a lot about money. The Himmat Card can help them worry less and be happier.
  4. Showing Kindness: When a country helps people who need extra care, it shows everyone that the country is kind. This can make people feel good about Pakistan.
  5. Learning New Things: Some disabled people might use the money to learn new skills. This can help them get jobs and do more things on their own.

What Might Happen Next

The government has big plans for the Himmat Card. They want to make it even better. Here are some ideas:

  • Giving Cards to More People: Right now, 65,000 people are getting the card. In the future, they might give it to more people who need help.
  • Adding New Things: They might add more help, like special training for jobs or extra money for school.
  • Making It Easier to Get: They could make it easier for people to ask for the card and get it faster.

But there are some hard things too:

  • Making Sure There’s Enough Money: The government needs to make sure they always have enough money to give to people with the card.
  • Helping Everyone Fairly: They need to make sure that everyone who needs help can get it, not just some people.
  • Checking Everything Works Well: They have to keep checking that the card is helping people and fix any problems quickly.

Why the Himmat Card is Important

The Himmat Card is a big step for Pakistan. It shows that the country wants to help everyone, even people who sometimes get forgotten. Here’s why it’s so important:

  1. It helps disabled people live better lives.
  2. It shows that Pakistan cares about all its people.
  3. It might help make the country’s money situation better.
  4. It gives hope to many families.
  5. It could help disabled people do more things and be part of society more.

The Himmat Card is not just about giving money. It’s about making Pakistan a place where everyone can have a good life, no matter who they are. It’s a promise to take care of people who need extra help.

There’s still a lot to do, and there might be some problems along the way. But if the government keeps working on making the Himmat Card better, it could change many lives. It’s a start of something good for Pakistan, showing that every person is important and deserves a chance to live a happy life.

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